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And there was a wolf!

This week, I had an impromptu photoshoot with the wonderful Nikki Geatches.

Although Nikki had already commissioned me to create some fresh imagery for her business, we had only planned to have a catch up on an autumnal woodland walk. However, Nikki suggested I bring the camera; and the aforementioned photoshoot was on :)

Neither of us were particularly prepared for a full photoshoot, but sometimes that just works, especially when nature is putting on such a show as a backdrop.

I have known Nikki for some time now, since meeting her as one of her Coaching clients, and I can whole-heartedly recommend Nikki and her amazing way of connecting people to themselves and their lives. Nikki is an intuitive empowerment coach and provides quality direction and growth to all her clients; I can testify to that :)

If you would like to know more about what this lovely lady might be able to do for you, go check-out her website at:

For our walk, we chose the woodland around West Stow in Suffolk, and although I am a frequent visitor to the lake-land end of the area, Nikki introduced me to a completely different part of the woodland, and I wasnt disappointed with the walk, or the many photographic opportunities it presented.

Did I mention that Nikki brought her dog Yuki (pronounced You-ki) on the walk, who is only a pup, and looks like a wolf! Yuki is a very gentle natured dog and was keen to say hello to all passers-by. It wasnt easy to get him in a photograph, but I had to get a few.

If you also would like some beautiful autumnal portraiture, please do not hesitate to get in touch, and quickly, before all the golden colours disappear. :)

All photoshoots are quoted for individually and are based on your individual requirements. However, costs generally start at £350 for a basic photoshoot, providing 24 hi-res digital image files and 12 of them as 10x8 prints, usually from a choice of around 50+ fully edited and finished images. Your images are made available within your own private, password protected portfolio.



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